Majors at SDSU
A major is an area of specialized intensive study (as opposed to General Education - a broad area of study). You cannot graduate without fulfilling the requirements for a major. Students must meet the major requirements that are in effect at the time they declare the major, assuming continuous enrollment at SDSU.
Based on your specific major and the type of degree you are earning, there are several specific requirements you must follow. There are rules about the number of upper division units that must be taken at SDSU, preparation for the major courses that can be used to satisfy General Education requirements, courses taken to satisfy major requirements vs. General Education, SDSU extension courses, and more. You are encouraged to read the General Catalog thoroughly and meet with your major adviser to ensure that you are taking the right courses.
Number of upper division units required for your degree type:
Bachelor of Arts: 24
Bachelor of Music: 24
Bachelor of Science: 36
Note: Some majors require that specific academic requirements be met within seven years of granting an undergraduate degree.
Double Major
Some students may wish to complete two majors. In such a case, each major must be declared with the Office of the Registrar, and all requirements for each major must be fulfilled.
In the case where the same class is required for each major, the requirement for each major will be fulfilled, but the units can only be counted once. Therefore, you must substitute another class for one of your majors, as approved by your major adviser.
Like the major, the minor is a cohesive and integrated pattern of coursework focused on a single discipline. It most often consists of 15-24 units, and usually 12 of those units are upper division units. A minimum of 6 upper division units in the minor must be completed at SDSU.
Please note that some majors require a minor.
- You must have a grade point average of 2.0 in the classes required for your minor (including transfer classes) in order to be awarded the minor at graduation.
- Courses in the minor may not be used for the major. However, courses in the minor can be used to satisfy preparation for the major and General Education requirements.
- Credit/No Credit classes may not be used for upper division minor classes unless they are only offered as Credit/No Credit.