College Rank list
What does it mean to rank colleges for the College Match?
Being able to rank colleges is what makes the National College Match so unique. By ranking colleges, you are considered for early admission by several colleges at once. You could be “matched”— or admitted early with a full four-year National College Match Scholarship — to the college that appears highest on your list that also wants to admit you.
You can rank up to 12 colleges in order of preference. In past College Matches, students who ranked more colleges had a higher chance of matching, however you must be absolutely certain you would attend every college that appears on your list.
You should know:
- You can be matched to only ONE school.
- You are committed to attending your match school the following fall. Admission through the College Match is binding*.
- If matched, you will receive a full four-year scholarship. So you can be confident that you can afford to attend a great college!
* MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale do not require students admitted through the match to commit to attending their institutions.